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About The Test

Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views) Overview

Knee X-ray is a diagnostic procedure that captures images of the knee and its adjacent bones utilizing X-ray technology. The Primary AP (anterior posterior) and lateral Views are the most popular types of knee X-rays. 

These two views are the foremost and lateral views of the knee, respectively. This procedure is regularly used for detecting and follow through on different types of diseases of the knee joint, including fractures, arthritis, and joint effusions. 

What is a Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views)? 

A Knee X-ray captures images of the internal parts of the knee joints using X-ray technology. 

X-rays are defined as a form of electromagnetic radiations that are capable of penetrating through the body parts, thus forming images of the bones and other structures within the body. 

As in the case of a hip joint X-ray, the X-ray machine produces a beam that passes through the knee joint in order to photograph the bones, cartilage, and other soft tissue structures. 

The AP view captures the picture of the knee from the front, while lateral view captures the side picture of the knee. 

Types of Knee X-rays 

AP view: frontal area of the knee position. 

Lateral view: the side view of the area of interest. 

Oblique Image Configuration: This angle is taken at an incline and is used to examine the patellofemoral joint. 

Superior Image Configuration: . This is used for joint-surface relationships in standing position and weight acceptance. 

List of Parameters

Parameters Considered During the Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views)

  • Relevant X ray including the entire knee. 
  • Bone detrition 
  • Protrusions within the Joint 
  • Fracture and dislocation analysis 
  • Advanced osteoarthritis signs like bone outgrowths and joint space reduction 

Why This Test

Reasons for Taking a Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views)

In relation to the details concerning the knee joint, the following are the primary purposes of the x-ray: 

  • Disjunctive and connective disease of the knee. 
  • Osteoarthrosis or osteoarthritic conditions. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis or other types of inflammatory diseases. 
  • For fracture or abscess. 
  • Soreness around the kneecap for a condition afflicted. 

When and Who Needs to Take a Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views)? 

Patients with the following issues will likely require a knee x-ray: 

  • Intense pain or swelling of the knee. 
  • Stiffness and limited range of motion. 
  • The knee does not have a normal shape or alignment. 
  • Possible fracture or dislocated position. 
  • There may be an infection or an abscess of the knee joint. 
  • Some types of arthritis or other inflammatory disease. 

In more detail, the test is often performed for evaluation of: 

  • Patients who are athletes or perform activities with great physical stress. 
  • Older persons who have joint problems or other forms of degenerative diseases. 
  • Patients with a history of damage or trauma to the knee. 


Benefits of Taking the Test

The benefits of an XR- Knee AP and Lateral is as follows: 

  • Exhibits all the fragments and specifics of the knee joint and nearby bones with great precision. 
  • Foster initiatives and determines the affairs which affect the knee joints. 
  • Show how effective treatment is on the knee joint condition as well as facilitate the decision-making process regarding the measures to be taken towards treating the patient. 

Illnesses Diagnosed with Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views)

The illnesses that this procedure can help detect are: 

  • Arthritis, osteoporosis, and other diseases of joints. 
  • Tissues affected or surrounded joint area 
  • Upper arm bone section 
  • Pain around the kneecap without clear cause 
  • Increased body temperature local or general. 
  • Gout or pseudogout 

Preparing for test

Preparing for the Knee X-ray (AP & Lateral Views)

  • Put on appropriate relaxing attire. 
  • Take off jewellery and other metal things that are likely to obstruct the X-ray beam. 
  • Advise the technician about any allergies and other medical conditions. 


  • Patients do not need to prepare in any particular way, though they may be asked to remove any attire or ornaments that could obstruct the X-ray beam. 

Best Time to Take the Knee X-Ray (AP and Lateral Views) 

  • The test may be conducted at any time, but it is best done during the period the patient has any symptoms, if that is the case. 


  • Generally, the test can be performed in patients of any age. However, for pregnant women, it is advisable to inform a healthcare provider before taking the test. 

Procedure for Taking a Knee X-Ray (AP and Lateral Views) 

  1. The patient will be placed on an X-ray table, and the knee joint will be positioned to be parallel to the X-ray beam. 
  2. The technician will request that the patient remain motionless and hold their breath for a brief period (2-5 sec) during which the X-ray image is taken. 
  3. As with all orthopaedic x-rays, the AP view is taken first, then the lateral view. 
  4. Completing the test takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. 


  • Make sure to tell your technician about all known allergies along with other medical issues. 
  • Pregnant women are required to tell their doctors if they are pregnant prior to taking the test. 

Test Results

Results and Interpretations

Condition/Findings Description Interpretation
Normal findings
No signs of fracture or dislocation Normal knee joint
Normal alignment and positioning of the knee joint Normal knee joint
No signs of degenerative joint disease Normal knee joint
Abnormal findings
Fracture or dislocation Fracture or dislocation of the knee joint Requires medical attention and treatment
Osteoarthritis Joint space narrowing and osteophytes Degenerative joint disease, may require medical attention and treatment
Infection or abscess Signs of infection or abscess in the knee joint Requires medical attention and treatment


Is the knee X-ray (AP & lateral views) test painful?

No, the test is not painful. However, some patients may feel discomfort when positioning the knee joint. 

How long does the test take?

Each test should be between 15 – 30 minutes to complete. 

Is it allowable to eat or drink something before I start the test?

Yes, as there are no specific dietary restrictions before the test. 

Am I allowed to take medication before the test?

It is important to discuss any medication taken before the test with your healthcare provider as certain medications may need to be avoided. 

For the test, what should I put on?

For the exam, comfortable clothes that fit loosely should be worn and should not have metal parts that are likely to obstruct the X-ray beam. 


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