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About The Test

Brain MRI Overview

MRI for an image of the brain is an imaging technique that is low risk that allows the doctor and other health providers to see the internal view of the brain alongside other structures like soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. 

This is also very good for structural abnormality functional abnormality, there’s whether looking for tumours blood vessel abnormalities inflammation infections or degenerative conditions involving the brain. 

Brain MRI is also useful in examining various neurological conditions for infarcts, demyelinating conditions such as multiple sclerosis, head trauma and so forth. 

With the cerebral MR images, it is very easy to assess both the most severe conditions and the most subtle changes which other imaging methods may miss. 

List of Parameters

List of Parameters Considered During the Brain MRI

More precisely, when conducting a Brain MRI, your medical practitioners consider the following parameters: – 

Brain Structure and Anatomy 

  • Ventricular size and shape 
  • Cerebral cortex thickness 
  • White matter integrity 
  • Gray matter volume 
  • Hippocampal volume 
  • Amygdala size 
  • Cerebellar size and shape 

Pathological Parameters 

  • Lesion presence and location 
  • Tumor size and type 
  • Cyst or abscess presence 
  • Infarction or ischemia 
  • Hemorrhage or bleeding 
  • Edema or swelling 
  • Atrophy or shrinkage 

Clinical Parameters 

  • Medical history 
  • Current symptoms 
  • Neurological examination findings 
  • Previous treatments or surgeries 
  • Family history of neurological disorders 

Why This Test

Reasons for Taking a Brain MRI

Reasons for Taking a Brain MRI There are a number of potential reasons why your doctor/ physician may recommend a brain MRI. Some of them include but are not limited to: - 

  • Headaches and migraines 
  • Tumors and strokes 
  • MRI of brain multiple sclerosis 
  • Neurodegenerative disorders 
  • Traumatic brain interference 
  • Developmental glaucoma 
  • epilepsy or seizures. 


Benefits of Taking a Brain MRI

As far as benefits are concerned, there is a lot that can be achieved through Brain MRI, these include: – 

  • Magnified depictions of the soft tissues with brain coverings and parts of the brain 
  • High quality resolution imaging No harm and dose free detection of different parts of the nervous system 
  • Changes in structure and function of the nervous system pain and trauma free procedure which is not overly invasive 
  •  Helps in general outlining of the intended treatment. And it helps in assessing progression of a disease over a period of time. 

Preparing for test

Preparing for the Brain MRI

Preparing for the Body MRI,I do not require much in terms of preparation, there are in fact great adjustments that I should make in order to facilitate the scan.  


There are basic requirements that should be considered for the evaluation for this study Lack of metal items such as glasses, piercing, watches and other metal accessories as they must be avoided to prevent interference. 

It is also necessary to tell the technicians whether you have implants or you are claustrophobic. 


From what we have gathered, almost everyone can take a Brain MRI regardless of the age factor. It is however equally important to inform or notify your physician in case you are expectant, have metal implants or suffer from severe claustrophobia. 

Procedure for Taking the Brain MRI 

In the course of taking a Brain MRI, the patient is requested to recline on a mobile board, which is then moved inside the MRI machine. The technician requests the patient to keep his/her movement to a minimum and may also ask the patient to hold his/her breath for a few seconds in order to ensure that better images are taken. To make things more comfortable, earplugs or headphones are usually offered because the device makes a succession of strong thumping or tapping sounds. In most instances, this entire procedure lasts anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes. 

Caution Before Taking the MRI 

In the event that you are pregnant, have metal implants or have some form of allergy, most importantly to contrast dye, that information would best be provided to your health practitioner. As a rule, adhere to your physician’s recommendations and adhere to the procedure and inform the technician about any medical devices or conditions that may need greater attention. 

Test Results

Results and Interpretations

Structure Normal Range/Status Abnormal Indications
Brain Tissue No lesions, normal structure Tumours, lesions, brain atrophy
Blood Vessels Clear and patent Aneurysms, blockages, malformations
Ventricles Normal fluid levels Hydrocephalus, fluid buildup
White Matter Normal, intact Degeneration, signs of multiple sclerosis
Grey Matter Consistent and typical density Atrophy, changes associated with dementia


What is the purpose of a Brain MRI?

A Brain MRI allows for the visualization of the brain and it’s structures in finer detail, enabling evaluation of processes like tumours, stroke, multiple sclerosis and planning of management appropriate for the same. 

How should I prepare for a Brain MRI?

How should I prepare for a Brain MRI? 

Remove metallic accessories and inform your technician about any implantable devices. You should verify with your physician whether fasting is necessary if an intravenous contrast agent will be needed. 

Is a Brain MRI safe?

Yes, it is quite safe, and non-invasive. Brain MRIs are in the non-radiation category but some patients are monitored by other especially implant devices or suffering from claustrophobia. 

When is contrast dye used for a Brain MRI?

A contrast medium is invariably employed for imaging MRI in patients who have undergone surgery to remove the tumour or other operations on blood vessels. Always tell your doctor about any allergies you have, especially if you have any kidneys weakened. 

Is Cadabam's Diagnostics provide testing for a Brain MRI.

Yes, Cadabam’s Diagnostics has started offering services for brain MRI which specializes in imaging with the help os advanced machines and skilled technicians to provide precise and trustworthy scans aimed for the diagnosis and treatment purposes. 


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