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About The Test

What is an Abdomen x-ray?

Abdominal x-ray is one of the most widely performed ultrasound tests which doctors and other physicians make use of. Abdominal x-ray employs technology utilization of a minimal dose of radiation when taking x-ray to obtain the image of the organs present within the lower torso as well as the organs listed below: 

  • Stomach 
  • Intestine 
  • Liver 
  • Kidneys 
  • Spleen 
  • Gallbladder 
  • Diaphram 
  • Bladder 

If your physician feels the need to prescribe this test, it is often done to rule out or to find the cause of several symptoms including abdominal discomfort, nausea, abdominal swelling or vomiting. Similarly, abdomen x-ray is also employed to establish whether there is presence of conditions such as blockages, perforates or abnormal growth of intestinal structures which in turn assists the provider in devising a comprehensive treatment plan. 

List of Parameters

List of Parameters Considered During the Abdomen X-ray

A technician or the radiologist assessing abdomen X Ray looks at numerous parameters. Some of them are: - 

Gas Pattern: The distibution and location of gas in the intestine. 

Organ Size and Shape: Disease processes may result in an increase of size of these organs or change their shape. 

Calcifications: These are calcium deposits that may occur at any site within an organ or within the tissues. 

Pelvis: The pelvic bones may be evaluated for symmetry and shape regarding trauma or disease processes. 

Peritoneal Fluid: There may be small amount of fluid present around the intestines which may suggest some infection or inflammation. 

Foreign Bodies: The x ray may be able to localise it and evaluate the object if there is a history of swallowing it. 

Why This Test

Reasons for Taking Abdomen X-ray

There are many reasons why your doctor/ physician would recommend you to take an abdomen x rays. These are some of the notable reasons that warrant for an abdomen x ray. To evaluate and explain any form of discomfort or tenderness in the abdomen To investigate the presence of kidney or gallstones To study the sites of intestinal obstruction or bowel rupture To assess the extent of injury in the abdominal region To assess the location and size of the organs within the abdominal cavity. 

When and Who Needs to Take an Abdomen X-Ray: 

Abdomen X-ray is usually done on patients having a history of continuous abdomen ache, vomiting or going for days without being able to pass a stool or having swollen abdomen. It is also prescribed for those people who have been exposed to trauma to the abdomen area or might have kidney stones or suffer unexplained swelling of the abdomen. 

It is also suggested for people who have severe and recurrent symptoms associated with their digestive or urinary organs. 

The general advice for pregnant women is to avoid X-ray scans unless necessary. 


Benefits of Taking Abdomen X ray

Some gains that are associated with chest x rays and their usage. X Ray of the chest is known for and recommended for its early diagnosis and treatment. Following are other benefits of X Ray of the chest: - 

  • Enhanced and faster diagnosis 
  • Surgical procedure that involves intrusion 
  • Less expensive 
  • Improved and clear vision 
  • Lesser pain 
  • Measurement of the effect of treatment strategies and 
  • Instructions prior to the chest X ray 

Preparing for test

Preparing for the Abdomen X ray

Though preparation for medical procedures is sometimes nerve-wracking, appropriate education enables you to prepare better. Here are some pointers that can allow you to prepare for the abdomen x-ray. 


For the most part, an abdomen x ray procedure does not require any requisites but in some circumstances, physicians may suggest that the patient refrains from eating for some time before the procedure. 

Best Time to Take the Test 

There’s no limitation as to the time of the day an abdomen x ray can be performed. 

There are some general rules to follow by your physician or doctor. 


Anyone can have abdomen X-ray test. However, there are some medical conditions for pregnant women where other imaging options may be required. 

How To Proceed With The Test 

The procedure for taking an abdomen X-ray is pretty basic. First, the technician might ask you to either stand or lie down on the X-ray table. After this, correction of position followed by adjustment of the x-ray machine in order to take shots of the abdomen is done, and this mostly doesn't take more than a couple of minutes. 

Important Instructions Before You Have The X-ray 

Indeed, it is very important to let your Physician know about the probability of your pregnancy, or if you are pregnant, on which specialization you want to have your X-ray. Remember also, if you have any relevant implants, let them know as X-ray imaging may affect it. You may also be requested to take off shoes, jewelry, or other objects blocking X-ray imaging. 

Test Results

Results and Interpretations

Organ Normal Range/Status Abnormal Indications
Stomach/Intestines Stomach/Intestines Bowel obstruction, perforation
Kidneys No visible stones or abnormalities Kidney stones, hydronephrosis
Liver Normal size and position Enlarged liver, abnormal masses
Gallbladder No visible stones Gallstones, inflammation
Abdominal Area No signs of fluid or foreign objects Fluid accumulation, foreign bodies


What does an abdomen X-ray detect?

Abdominal X-ray can reveal the presence of Herniation, urolithiasis, abnormal pyloroscope, fluid retention, penetration of inhaled substances or objects, and Hydrocele in abdominal organs. 

Should I refrain from eating before the abdominal X-ray?

Eating is not usually allowed beforehand during an X-ray of the abdominal area, but in case there is a special need due to other health problems, it is alright. 

How long does an abdomen X-ray take?

The whole process basically takes a few minutes. There may be times where you will be instructed to remain in place as the imaging is taking place. 

Will I be able to get an abdominal X-ray scan at Cadabam’s Diagnostics in Bangalore?

Abdomen X-ray scans are also available at Cadabam's Diagnostics in Bangalore along with advanced tools. 

Is it possible to assess non-visible body structures such as fat during an abdominal X-ray?

An abdominal X-ray is not used for soft tissue problems – these problems are more in the realm of ultrasound or MRI. 


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