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About The Test
US Pregnancy Growth Scan (Foetal Development Scan) Overview
A US Pregnancy Growth Scan, also referred to as a Foetal Development scan, is an ultrasound conducted to determine the size and growth of a foetus in a pregnancy.
It is a non-invasive procedure that employs sound waves to image the foetus and evaluate its size, shape, and movements.
The US Pregnancy Growth Scan is usually done from 28 to 32 weeks of gestation. However, it can be conducted anytime there is a question regarding the growth of the foetus.
The scan is done in the third trimester of pregnancy but may also be recommended in the first two trimesters if foetal growth is a concern.
What is a US Pregnancy Growth Scan?
A US Pregnancy Growth Scan entails the use of a transducer that sends sound waves to penetrate through the abdominal wall and obtain images of the foetus.
Sound waves capture the foetus and return to the transducer, which creates images of the foetus on a monitor for the health care practitioner to see.
This technology allows the health care provider to assess the size, growth, and movement of the foetus with precision.
Types of US Pregnancy Growth Scans
Thes two forms of growth scans are the most common for US Pregnancy Growth Scans. They are:
- Transabdominal scan: This scan is done by the movement of a transducer on the abdomen.
- Ultrasound Scan: This scan is done by placing the transducer in the vagina for clearer pictures.
List of Parameters
List of Parameters Considered During the US Pregnancy Growth Scan
The clinician will consider the following details during the examination:
- Foetal size, including weight
- Head and abdominal circumference
- Length of femur
- Activity of the foetus and tone
- Placenta position and grading
- Amniotic fluid volume
Why This Test
Reasons for Taking a US Pregnancy Growth Scan
Some of the objectives of carrying out this ultrasound scan includes:
- Ensure proper growth and development of foetus
- Examine if there is any restriction in the growth of foetus
- Identify foetal neck, spine or limb deformities
- Assess placenta function
- Assess amniotic fluid volume
Benefits of Taking the Test
Other benefits include:
- The ability to assess foetal development and growth with a high degree of accuracy.
- Possibly be able to detect foetal growth restriction well before complications arise.
- To detect abnormalities of the foetus.
- Pregnant women who suspect that their child is not growing or developing properly can be reassured.
Illnesses Diagnosed with US Pregnancy Growth Scan
Some pathologies that can be visualised and are very common are:
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Hyperplasia of the foetus
- Congenital malformation
- Insufficient placenta
Preparing for test
Preparing for a US Pregnancy Growth Scan
For the scan, women need to:
- Get scanned with a complete bladder to help raise the intestines and get clearer images.
- Put on loose clothing to allow access to the stomach conveniently.
- Be willing to ask questions and hear the answers to any concerns they might have from the health care provider.
Although there are no prerequisites for the US Pregnancy Growth Scan, women may be asked to:
- Use a lot of water within an hour of the scan to fill the bladder.
- Skip a large meal prior to the scan.
- Let the health care provider know beforehand about any allergies or sensitivities.
Best Time to Take the US Pregnancy Growth Scan:
The scan can be done on any day during the pregnancy. It is, however, recommended that it be done between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation.
In general, all pregnant women can do the US Pregnancy Growth Scan, but it might be particularly useful for women with a history of pregnancy complications or with active medical conditions.
US Pregnancy Growth Scan Procedure:
The scan usually lasts between 30 to 60 minutes and comprises the following steps:
- The healthcare provider applies a lubricating gel to the woman’s abdominal region.
- The provider will move a transducer over the woman’s abdomen to take pictures.
- The provider will evaluate the foetus's growth and development together with the placenta and amniotic fluid volume.
- The provider will explain the results to the woman, and if there are any worries or further questions, those will be answered as well.
Test Precautions:
Women should disclose any sensitivities and allergy to the service provider. In addition, it is advised not to take heavy meals before the scan.
Test Results
Condition/Findings | Description | Interpretation |
Foetal size and weight | Normal foetal size and weight | Foetal growth is on track and within normal limits |
Abnormal foetal size or weight | Potential foetal growth restriction or macrosomia | |
Placental location and function | Normal placental location and function | Placenta is functioning normally and foetal growth is supported |
Abnormal placental location or function | Potential placental insufficiency or complications | |
Amniotic fluid volume | Normal amniotic fluid volume | Adequate amniotic fluid for foetal development |
Abnormal amniotic fluid volume | Potential amniotic fluid disorders | |
Foetal movement and tone | Normal foetal movement and tone | Foetal movement and tone are within normal limits |
Abnormal foetal movement or tone | Potential foetal distress or complications |
Is the US Pregnancy Growth Scan safe for the foetus?
Yes, the US Pregnancy Growth Scan is generally safe for the foetus and is a routine part of prenatal care.
Can the US Pregnancy Growth Scan detect all foetal abnormalities?
No, the US Pregnancy Growth Scan may not detect all foetal abnormalities, but it can help identify potential issues that require further evaluation.
What if the US Pregnancy Growth Scan shows abnormal foetal growth or development?
Abnormal foetal growth or development may require further evaluation or monitoring to assess foetal well-being and guide any necessary interventions.
Can I have a US Pregnancy Growth Scan at any time during pregnancy?
Yes, the US Pregnancy Growth Scan can be performed at any time during pregnancy but is typically recommended between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation.