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About The Test

What is a Fetal Ultrasound Scan?

A fetal ultrasound scan this also known as a fetal ultrasound, is a non-invasive imaging technique that is safe to do for the patient and their fetus. This technique employs the use of sound waves to create two-dimensional pictures of the fetus. This will aid your doctor in determining the size of the fetus and its movement shape and position among others. 

Fetal ultrasound scan: This examination proves useful as it can also aid in evaluation of the fetal heartbeat. This scan can help in determining fetus growth and development, the levels of placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as any physical deformities present in the fetus. 

List of Parameters

List of Parameters Considered During the Fetal Ultrasound Scan

During the fetal ultrasound the features/characteristics that were assessed by your doctor/physician together with the overall development of the fetus are a variety of the following parameters. Some of the main parameters include: - 

  • Measurements of fetal body size and growth 
  • Fetal heartbeat changes in rhythm 
  • How much amniotic fluid is there? 
  • Placement of and health of the placenta 
  • Head, spine, limbs of the fetus 
  • Structure of umbilical cord 

Why This Test

Reasons for Taking the Fetal Ultrasound Test

A fetal ultrasound scan is one of the examinations that you ought to have had during the time you sought prenatal care and there are varieties of reasons your doctor would want you to have one such reasons include: - 

  • Confirmation of pregnancy and fetal viability 
  • Monitoring fetal growth and development 
  • Assessing placental function and amniotic fluid levels 
  • Detecting structural abnormalities or birth defects 
  • Evaluating the fetus's position before delivery 


Benefits of Taking a Fetal Ultrasound Scan

The fetal ultrasound scan has many benefits, the following are some of the reasons it is considered beneficial: A fetal ultrasound scan shows many advantages as both a diagnostic and a treatment technique: 

  • Assisting with fertility treatments 
  • It helps doctors make medical decisions during pregnancy 
  • Monitoring of high-risk pregnancies 
  • Feeling the Position of a fetus 
  • Further Evaluation of The Ultrasound Scan 

Preparing for test

Preparing for the Fetal Ultrasound Scan

A fetal ultrasound scan is exactly what I require. Even though there is distortion in images taken, it is possible to capture mucous consisting of considerable content without complete dissolution with undissolved residue by conducting the image scan with a full bladder. It is common to water one hour before the scan. Your stomach won’t be able to adjusted as needed when fasting for the Fetal scan. If necessary, menstrual abdominal imaging can wait until the end of the fasting duration. 

Key aspects of fetal ultrasound scans 

The image scan can be carried out depending on how early or late you are into your pregnancy. For females who are further along their pregnancy journey, growth monitoring can be done at 28-32 weeks, which is considered the most optimal time. Furthermore, 18-20 week ultrasound anatomy scans can also be taken as well with 6-9 week fetal scans. 

Guidelines about Fetal ultrasound scans 

Fetal ultrasounds essentially belong to the basic fetal care kit according to the medical practitioners which means any one with a normal health condition and not considered high risk is eligible to get these scans. Test results only reflect skeletal condition making pregnant women wondering does weight affect hormonal genitalia during the early 9 weeks of pregnancy who have had a miscarriage. Close monitoring is needed in women possessing high risk pregnancies which would require additional scans throughout their pregnancy. 

What to expect during the process of a fetal ultrasound scan? 

Personnel and sonographers will routinely become limited when pregnant and require one to recline on the bed upon commencement of the scan. This helps air gap interference as the gel on the abdomen will be rubbing off making it easy to transmit sound waves throughout. However, men looking to displace their belly should consider gorging on snacks. 

The next step is to use a transducer to capture time images of the fetus by moving it across the patient’s abdomen. If needed, the technician may request you to change the position to have a better view of the fetus. This whole process usually takes about 20-45 minutes. 

Scan Must Be Taken With Caution 

In terms of foods that one should refrain from consuming there are no particular recommendations that need to be taken. However, you have to ensure that your bladder is full also that will assist in capturing clear images. Informing the healthcare practitioner about conditions or allergies prior to the scan is also advisable. 

Test Results

Results and Interpretations

Results and Interpretations Interpretation Further Action
Normal Indicates no issues with the growth and development of the baby were found. No additional action is typically required.
Abnormal Something uncommon was noticed in the baby’s growth or development. Additional scans or diagnostic tests may be recommended to further investigate the condition.
Incomplete Images Difficulty in capturing images of all structures due to baby’s position or movement. A repeat scan may be ordered to obtain clearer images.


Is it an extensive process to have a fetal ultrasound scan?

A fetal ultrasound scan typically lasts approximately twenty minutes and forty five minutes in additional circumstances but the phase of pregnancy and the significance of the images to the doctor come into play. Some other detailed scans may last for more than forty five minutes if more photos or measurements are required to be taken. 

Is it possible to detect every single imperfection by fetal ultrasound?

Fetal Ultrasound is one of the most popular ways of scanning the body and while the procedure is simple, it does not always detect every single irregularity that may potentially be present. 

Some conditions may not be apparent with the ultrasound or may come to light later in the pregnancy and hence require further tests to be certain. 

Can I get a fetal ultrasound scan at Cadabam's Diagnostics in Bangalore?

Yes, Cadabam’s Diagnostics in Bangalore does offer fetal ultrasound scans. Our center has the latest imaging procedures to enable proper fetal monitoring and care throughout the course of pregnancy so as to make sure that both mother and child are properly taken care of. 

Are there any known consequences or risks that increase by having numerous fetal ultrasounds in one pregnancy?

No risks and side effects are known with having many fetal ultrasounds. Especially the ultrasound is quite safe and involves no radiation exposure of the fetus and thus is ideal during pregnancy routine follow ups. 

When you are about to go in for a fetal scan ultrasound, can you have a meal?

Yes, you can eat food before having a fetal ultrasound, but drink’more lots of water. You’re encouraged to drink so that you can do better imaging on a bluffed bladder through ultrasound. 


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