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The body’s immune response to the bacterium
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
About The Test
What Is the Mantoux Test and Why Is It Important?
The Mantoux test is a simple and relatively inexpensive way of screening for the infection with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacillus. Tuberculin is injected intradermally at a dose of approximately 0.1 ml. The protein in the tuberculin triggers an immune response in people infected with tuberculosis (TB).
The Mantoux test is significant because it detects TB infection at an early stage when it can be treated more easily. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are key to controlling and preventing the spread of TB and minimizing the chances of severe ailment or death.
In What Way the Mantoux Test Measures?
The Mantoux test measures an individual's specific immune response against PPD tuberculin. For instance, when PPD is injected into the dermis, the body perceives it as alien and initiates an immune response resulting in local inflammation and induration. The skin changes are measured in millimetres. The greater the size of the reaction the higher the probability that the subject has been infected with TB.
When Should Mantoux Test Be Taken?
Mantoux test is often taken when:
- If a person experiences TB symptoms such as cough, fever, and weight loss.
- If exposure to a person with TB has occurred.
- High degree of TB risk such as people working in the medical field, or people living in areas with high TB cases.
- As part of a normal health check routine.
Are There Any Risk Involved with the Mantoux Test?
There are very few risks with the Mantoux test. It is relatively safe, however:
- Some discomfort is very normal and pain, swelling, or redness at the injection area is bearable and can be expected.
- People with weaker immune systems such as those suffering from HIV/AIDS may find the test ineffective.
- It is not always successful in differentiating between active and inactive TB.
- People who have undergone BCG vaccination may experience false positives.
List of Parameters
What Is Assessed in the Mantoux Test?
The following are assessed in the Mantoux test:
- Induration size measured in millimetres.
- The presence or absence of redness, swelling, or blistering
- The time it takes for the reaction to develop (usually 48-72 hours)
Why This Test
Who Should Consider Taking the Mantoux Test?
The following individuals should consider taking the Mantoux test:
- People who have symptoms of TB
- People who have been exposed to someone with TB
- People at high risk of TB, such as healthcare workers or people living in areas with high TB rates
- People who are being screened for TB as part of a routine health check
The Advantages of the Mantoux Test for Your Health
- TB is asymptomatic in the first stage, making it exceptionally simple to infect.
- TB, which can affect anyone at any point during their life, is differentiated.
- When TB is dormant, it can cause inflammation in the lungs, so people need to be careful.
- Inflammation of the lining surrounding the brain and spinal cord caused PMT or Postmortem Trauma.
What Conditions Can the Mantoux Test Diagnose?
The Mantoux test can diagnose:
- Latent TB infection
- Active TB disease
- TB pleuritis (inflammation of the lining around the lungs)
- TB meningitis (inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord)
Test Preparation
Before taking the Mantoux test:
- Tell your health provider regarding any medications that you are taking that may trigger an allergic reaction.
- Take off any ornaments or articles of clothing that might get in the way of the test results.
- Anticipate a tiny pinprick feeling when the injection is done.
- During the 48-72 hours that follow the test, visit the doctor’s office so that they may assess your reaction after the test.
Test Results
Guidelines for understanding the results of a Mantoux test. The following are commonly found results and their meanings.
Condition/Findings | Description | Interpretation |
Induration of 0-4 mm | None or minimal reaction | No TB infection or minimal immune response |
Induration of 5-9 mm | Positive reaction | Likely TB infection |
Induration of 10-14 mm | Strong positive reaction | Confirmed TB infection |
Induration of 15 mm or more | Very strong positive reaction | High risk of active TB disease |
Is there any discomfort during the Mantoux test?
People who have undergone the test state that the test brings about mild discomfort, nevertheless, it is generally tolerable to most individuals.
What happens if my test is positive?
A positive result indicates that you possibly have TB infection or disease. Your medical doctor will evaluate you and talk about the best forms of treatment available.
Even after getting the BCG vaccine, can I still do the test?
The BCG vaccination influences the outcome of the test, so talk to your health care provider regarding your vaccination history.