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The effectiveness of the body's haemorrhage control system and the amount of lost blood
The duration a person bleeds from a small, standardized cut
About The Test
What Is the Bleeding Time Test and Why Is It Important?
The Bleeding Time test is quick, takes no more than a minute, and is closer to painless than it is painful. It is of great value when testing the mechanism of clotting as it is the last action of the physiological system of haemostasis, which is to protect the organism from losing blood. The Bleeding Time test estimates the amount of blood lost from a standard cut on the forearm. The patient is usually set on a powered cup device for skin bleeding. A gentle negative pressure creates an incision, after which the duration of bleeding is counted using a watch or a timer.
What Does The Bleeding Time Test Measure?
The concept behind measuring bleeding time is to determine how long it takes to fully stop blood loss from a wound inflicted at a standardized depth. This test measures the length of time it takes for blood to clot over the wound, signal gauging the body’s capacity for haemostasis.
The Bleeding Time Test focuses on the following parameters:
1. The duration of bleeding following the incision made until it stops completely
2. The amount of blood shed during the bleeding status
3. Any unusual bleeding disorders, for example, excessive bleeding or inability to clot properly
When is the Bleeding Time test usually taken?
The Bleeding Time Test is often taken prior to the following circumstances:
1. Prior to operational procedures to assess bleeding risk factors
2. Patients diagnosed with a medical history of excessive bleeding, like haemophilia
3. People suffering from kidney or liver conditions where blood clotting may be impaired.
4. People who have undergone medical care and are on blood thinners or medications which can inhibit blood clotting.
Are There Any Risk Associated or Circumstantial Limitation To The Bleeding Time Test?
There are generally no health-related problems posed by the Bleeding Time Test. Although some associated risks and limitations encompass:
1. Bleeding from the incision site, which might range from moderate to severe in certain cases.
2. Potential for infections at the peripheral site of incision.
3. Skin rashes and eruptions around the area bleeder device was applied.
4. These patients with specific medical conditions such as thrombocytopenia might not get the proper result from this test.
5. Minor blood disorders might not be identified through this test.
List of Parameters
What Parameters Are Evaluated in the Bleeding Time Test?
The below-mentioned test parameters are evaluated in the Bleeding Time test:
1. Bleeding time – duration taken to stop bleeding at an incision.
2. Volume of blood lost – total amount of blood shed during the bleeding period.
3. Clot formation – presence or absence of clot at the incision.
4. Haemostasis – cessation of blood flow from a ruptured vessel and the body's capability to maintain the integrity of the blood vessel.
Why This Test
Who Should Consider Taking the Bleeding Time Test?
The following individuals should consider taking the Bleeding Time test, for example:
1. Individuals with a bleeding disorder history.
2. Patients suffering from liver or kidney diseases.
3. Patients on medications that affect clotting.
4. Patients who are going for surgery.
5. Patients with a family history of bleeding disorder.
The Advantages of the Bleeding Time Test for Your Health
The bleeding time test has multiple advantages such as:
1. Diagnosis of some type of bleeding disorder like haemophilia.
2. Determining the risks of bleeding complications while surgically intervene
3. Watching closely to the action of anti-coagulant drugs
4. Finding the mild forms of bleeding disorders
What Conditions Can the Bleeding Time Test Diagnose?
The following conditions may be diagnosed by the Bleeding Time test:
1. Haemophilia
2. Thrombocytopenia
3. Von Willebrand syndrome
4. Liver or kidney disease induced bleeding disorders
5. Drugs induced bleeding disorders
Test Preparation
Preparing for Your Bleeding Time Test
Here are steps to follow to prepare for the Bleeding Time test:
Prerequisites: none
Age group: adults and children
Procedure for taking the test: A health care practitioner makes a small cut to the forearm and uses moderate suction to extract blood. The practitioner times how long plasma cells takes to exit the body, using either a stopwatch or timer.
Precautions before the test: Speak to the health professional about any medications you are taking that could promote blood thinning or abnormal bleeding. Stop using ibuprofen and other NSAIDs a few days prior to the exam.
Test Results
Interpreting Examination Findings: Results of Bleeding Time Test
Bleeding Time | Interpretation |
2-7 minutes | Normal bleeding time, no bleeding disorder detected. |
7-15 minutes | Abnormal bleeding time, possible bleeding disorder. |
>15 minutes | Abnormal bleeding time, probable bleeding disorder. |
Variable (inconsistent) | Possible mild bleeding disorder. |
How painful is the bleeding time test?
Pain free experience is usually expected.
What treatment, if any, is given after a test? Are there any side effects?
Side effects include but are not limited to bleeding of the site of incision or skin infection.
Can I take the test if I am taking anticoagulant medications?
Yes, but it is best to consult prior.
How Long Does the Test Take?
You will only need a few minutes to perform the test, and they typically take a few minutes to finish.
Will I Need to Repeat the Test?
Possibly, all this depends on how the first test went and any changes in your healing process.